Friday, February 4, 2011

Chapter 28

Mia knew that her parents needed to know about Nathaniel but because they were his grandparents. But she was worried that her mother would start more drama because of Kris and his occupation.

"Ugh why does my mom have to be such a snob?" Mia said to herself as she was looking in the closet for some shoes to wear.
"Because she wants the best for you" answered Kris which made Mia jump and turn around to see him standing in the closet door.
"Good gracious you scared the mess out of me. I thought you and Marc Andre were going out to lunch after practice today" Mia said as she found her shoes and put them on.
"He had to cancel so I figured I would take you and Nathaniel out to lunch instead" Kris said walking into the closet and then giving Mia a quick kiss on the lips.
"Sounds good to me" Mia said moving past Kris and headed to get Nathaniel ready to go out.

They headed to the restaurant and were seated. They were looking over their menus when Mia heard her mother's voice call out, "Mia darling, how are you?"

Mia's head turned to look and see her mother smiling at her, "Mom its good to see you".
"Yes sweetie. Kris its good to see you. And oh my god is this...this... Oh my what a handsome little guy. Can I hold him?" Leslie asked super excited.
"Mom this is your grandson, Nathaniel Letang" Mia said giving baby Nathaniel to her mother, who coo and went gaga over her new grandson.
Mia and Kris just looked at each other and smiled and Mia hoped that maybe her mother would get over her obnoxiousness about Kris's job.

"I can not believe that I am a grandmother especially since I am just so young but its a great feeling. I tried calling you darling but you never answered my calls. Now I know I have not been nice and I am sorry about that Kristopher but I just want whats best for my Mia".
"I know Mrs Crosby but I love your daughter and now we have Nathaniel and our life is great now and she can have the world no matter what" Kris said putting his arm around Mia's shoulders and Mia smiled.
"Yes I am starting to realize that. Now tell me all about my new grandson" Leslie said continuing cooing and cuddling Nathaniel.

Mia started in on everything that had happened and how she thought that she might lose Nathaniel but that Kris was there and he's love and support was the main thing that helped her get through everything. Mia's mother listened and promised to be a better person and be more supportive of Kris and Mia's marriage. They sat at the restaurant for a while just talking and it made Mia hope things would be better for all of them.

That evening as Mia and Nathaniel were at the arena watching the Pens play a game. She was cheering on her husband as well as the other wives and girlfriends of the Pens players. It was a hard fought game and in the end the Pens were victorious. Mia was happy and as she waited on Kris to leave the locker room all the wives and girlfriends were enjoying meeting Nathaniel, the newest member of the Penguins. All the women were like going gaga over Nathaniel and saying how much he looked just like Kris. It was a great ending to a day that was hopefully full of promises of good things to come for everyone.

Kris and the rest of the guys finally came out of the locker room and found their wives and or girlfriends and headed home for the night. Kris picked up Nathaniel in his baby carrier and then took Mia's hand and they headed home. Mia thought on the ride home that this is how everything was supposed to be in her life and she was happy.


  1. I love it so far :) great job hun! Can't wait to read the rest of it :)

  2. awww baby Nathaniel is the newest baby penguin. this update. i absolutley love it. I am so happy that Leslie is finally coming into Mia and Kris's life. awesome update. i can't wait for more!
